Server and Storage Solutions
Al Shams provide an excellent support to your server and storage Solutions in UAE. We make sure every problem relating to server and storage is well tackled by the skilled professionals, with a high level of commendable expertise, in our ranks. It is known that the number of data companies keep in the storage room in the technological world of today is relatively more than before, but the resources in keeping them are arguably not increasing.
A significant problem attributed to server and storage is the difficulty in spotting the right server, integrating it, as well as its management. Al Shams Network Solutions can make sure this is no issue for an enterprise. We will make sure they are well protected, therefore making the privacy of the company in check, at all time. We can make your IT investment so effective, improve its performance, make you realize your available objectives, and most importantly, cut some unnecessary costs.
- Backup and Recovery
- Data Center Virtualization
- Server Management
- On-site Installation and Configuration
- Optimization of IT Solution
- Storage and Data Migration
- Excellent Storage Solution.
Safe and effective business operation has a central data and application in a number of servers, which ultimately form its basis. Being aware of the significance of a sound and excellent server and storage facilities, Al Shams Network Solutions provides a server that is highly responsive and promotes an active and spontaneous data processing by the business owner and his employees, and in conjunction with the respected customers.
Server Installation and Management
Data is so valuable to your company in that, once it gets into the hands of an unauthorized user, it might be a massive gain for them, and it could be used against you. So, you have every reason to entrust the security of your data in our hands, because we will build a server system that has its technology and mode of action tailored to your need, thereby, providing a durable and secure server and storage solution for your company. Also, we fully comprehend the needed considerations in providing a top-notch server and storage solutions in UAE.
Al Shams Network Solutions provides an effective solution based on your demand and requirement. We make consultations and analysis before we proceed to make a solution by employing the in-vogue software and hardware that is best suitable for you.
Storage Solutions
The selected technology of server dramatically determines the type of data storage and server protection that will be employed. A choice will be made between internal RAID, and NAS systems shall be used in covering the risks associated with servers.
Let us focus on the well being of your server and storage facilities, while you focus more on the core aspect of your business. If you are interested in our services or you have some questions for us, do well to reach our specialists on +971 9-222-9042 at any time. We always have our unique way of finding solutions to every requirement, because that is what we know how to do best.
Have Any Questions? Call Us Today!
+971 9-222-9042
A Leading IT solution Provider in UAE , has got expertise in providing cutting edge IT solutions. we are a young company with a hard working attitude.